martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Carbdboard fort or Treasure Hunt?

Hola. ¡Feliz martes! Happy Tuesday.
Esta es la tarea para hoy=This is the task for today

TUESDAY a) Make a cardboard fort
Building and decorating a fort can be a great way to have fun, no matter how old you are. While there are all sorts of forts you can build, none of them will be as customizable or as easy to make as a cardboard box fort. By getting the base right, adding extra rooms and decorating your fort, you can make a secret cardboard base that's all your own.get inspired visiting this link: Ideas de Pinterest para trabajar con una caja de cartón 

b) Set up a treasure hunt
Treasure hunts are pretty easy and depending on how many items there are, could last a while. Hide anywhere from 10 to 20 items around the house or outside to keep kids occupied for a few hours.

Hoy el día promete más diversión que ayer=Today the day promises more fun than yesterday.
-Si eliges A, construirás un edificio de cartón=If you choose A, you will build a cardboard building.
-Si eliges B, jugarás a la búsqueda del tesoro=If you choose B, you will play treasure hunt.

-Si eliges A, necesitas una caja de cartón =If you choose A , you need a cardboard box.
-Inspírate con Pinterest y ponte manos a la obra=Get inspired by Pinterest and get to work.

-Si eliges B, necesitas al menos un jugador más= If you choose B, you need at least one more player.
-Cada uno esconde 10 o 20 cosas alrededor de la casa y... ¡a buscar el tesoro!=Each one hides 10 or 20 things around the house and...looks for the treasure!
-Primero, anota en un papel lo que tiene que buscar el otro y alguna pista=First, write down on a piece of paper what the other has to look for and some clue.

Las fotos son muy importantes. Retrata momentos divertidos. Y recuerda, las fotos (una selección de 2 ó 3 de todas las actividades que hagas durante la semana) las envías el lunes 13. Si eres de 5º B a Y si eres de 5º A a la

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See you in September!

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